Friday, September 2, 2011

Romans 1:18-19

I just started going through Romans and trying to take it apart and get more out of it by studying each verse instead of just reading all the way through.

Based on Rom 1:18: The wrath of God is shown to us from heaven, against ALL unrighteousness and ALL ungodliness of men. For they suppress the truth by, in and through unrighteousness,

Based on Rom 1:19: for what is known of God and His exceeding goodness is made known to them and is demonstrated to them and is among them by creation itself.

For our *'hearts testify of the things of God through creation/us. But our corrupted minds (by sin our hearts and minds were corrupted) try and deny God and His goodness which is why we must be renewed, that is, our minds must be renewed;  For we as a *''whole will be transformed completely, and that by the renewing of our minds (based on Romans 12:2), which can only be done through Jesus Christ the righteous.

*'hearts: Meaning our spirit and soul testify of the things of God. For how could we not (even though we are corrupted by sin) testify of God? For we are made in His image. Image not just being the way we look but a lot of that has to do with how we feel, think and act. For though a lot of that has been corrupted by sin, I believe that in each person (because we are made in the image of God) there is still some of God's heart for that is what brings about kindness. Trust me it is not sin and corruption bringing out the kindness in us.

*"whole: Meaning that ALL of who we are will be transformed.

Those are just some of my thought on those two verses :)



  1. [Quote] I know it can be hard at times but press through and NEVER give up. Not only with prayer for Skandar but also for anything hard in your life that you feel that you are not and will not get anywhere. Keep fighting!

    And I sure like to bring it back to this but that is only because the Holy Spirit likes to bring it back to me :) Keep yourself grounded in the Word.
    [end quote]

    Wow, thanks. God used you to say exactly what I needed to hear.

  2. While reading the Bible yesterday (using this method I noticed Luke 5:5. [Jesus] said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."
    But Simon answered and said to Him, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net."

    I know how Simon felt, because I feel the same way about Skandar. We've been working for so long and haven't seen any change; can't we give up? And Simon told the Lord that--he didn't try to hide his feelings. God is my best friend--I need to tell Him everything, even it it's negative.
    But, Simon goes on to say, "nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net."
    And that's where I need to not fall. Simon admits that he's tired and thinks it's hopeless, but He trusts Jesus and obeys Him anyway.

    I think it was Charles Spurgeon who said that one must not just ask, but argue with God, to "convince" Him so to speak (think of Moses "talking God out of" destroying Israel in Numbers 14). In praying for a very close relative, I tried to think of why God should save him, but all the reasons I came up with, I easily answered (ex. "to bring Him glory" but vessels of dishonor bring Him glory too--see Romans 10ish-- or "to give His children joy" but whatever God does with this will be best for us, and therefore bring us most joy). Then it 'happened' that I read Luke 5 and came upon this verse: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
    Well, then, that covers it, doesn't it? :)

  3. Thanks Hannah it is so encouraging to get the feedback you give and to know that I'm encouraging you. Thanks for encouraging me so that I may better encourage you all :)

    Thanks as well for sharing what you learned recently in the word of God

  4. Thank you for sharing, Benjamin! What you said this week is so true, as I have found in my own life.

  5. Hi Benjamin! I sent you an email to "" today, but it says there is a Mail Delivery problem. Did you get the email? If not, is there an other email I can send it to? Thank you!


  6. Hey, Benjamin. I'm sorry for not replying to your message sooner. I've been really busy this month, but I really appreciate your faithfulness in emailing us every week, so that's no excuse.

    God's actually been teaching me about something relevant to all of us -- prayer. :) He has given me the opportunity to spend more time in prayer than I had done before and, oh! what joy there is in interceding for those I love. Through a section of Set Apart Femininity God showed me how much I had been missing in my prayers--how much more He wants to give me.

    Here are a few great quotes God has given me:
    “It has been said by many great Christians that prayer is our secret weapon. If we desire to be free from every enemy stronghold over our lives and fully fortified to live the superhuman existences God intended us to live, then we must learn how to pray.” Leslie Ludy

    “No one can believe how powerful prayer is and what it can effect, except those who have learned it by experience. Whenever I have prayed earnestly, I have been heard and have obtained more than I prayed for. God sometimes delays, but He always comes.” Martin Luther

    “The New Testament describes the characteristics of a "virtuous widow" who is qualified to receive help from believers. This woman's description seems to parallel the miraculous, poured-out life portrayed by the Proverbs 31 woman. She does not live for her own pleasure but is well reported for good works, bringing up children, lodging strangers, washing the saints' feet, relieving the afflicted, and diligently following every good work. How does she accomplish all of this? "She trusts in God and continues in supplications and prayers night and day" (1 Timothy 5:5-6,10). She lives a supernatural existence, accomplishing incredible things without stress and exhaustion because she makes prayer the foundation of her life.” Leslie Ludy

    “If you don't pray often, you won't gain a love for praying. Prayer is work, and therefore it is not very appealing to our natural sensibilities. But the simple rule for prayer is this: Begin praying and your taste for prayer will increase. The more you pray, the more you will acquire the desire for prayer, the energy for prayer, and the sense of purpose in prayer.” Leslie Ludy

    “But if there was ever a time for us to go to extremes for our God, it is now. The truth of the gospel is being diluted, dumbed down, and trampled upon by the very ones entrusted to keep it sacred and whole. It may seem 'unnecessary' to get on your knees for multiple hours each and every day, but, may I remind you that unless someone rises up and says, 'Lord, I'm willing to travail,' there are lives, promises, and spiritual realities that will not be born into our day and age. Effectual, fervent prayer is how God changes this world and bestows upon it the beauty, grace and power that He purchased at the cross.” Leslie Ludy

  7. Another thing, somewhat related, that I've been learning is to never give up. While on vacation, I've started running with my father. It's been a desire of mine to run for a long time, but I've never had the discipline to do it before. What I have found is that the key principle is to keep going. It doesn't matter if it hurts, if I feel like I'm going to die, if there doesn't seem to be any improvement--just keep going (and mentally reciting Scripture helps).
    At the same time that I'm learning this on the beach, God is showing me that in other areas of life.
    As a young person, I am full of passion and energy, ready to take on and change the world. :) But it's easy to get discouraged when the world doesn't get changed today while I'm working on it. When the Parental Rights Amendment just doesn't get signed, when abortion stays legal, when no government change seems to make a difference--then I want to give up and focus on the easier things.
    But that's not how God works. He gave William Wilberforce a vision to change his world by ending at least part of the great evil of slavery. Wilberforce was young at the time, but it didn't get accomplished immediately. He spent over twenty-six years of his life (giving up his health, reputation, etc.) "slaving" for the change before it came. Were those wasted years? Absolutely not! Should he have given up when he kept "failing"? At the very least he would have missed out on being a part of God's work then.
    So as I'm praying for Skandar, as you're emailing an unresponsive group, as we're dealing with the things that come up in life, following God's calling, we need to not be discouraged or lazy, but keep putting one step in front of another, keep pouring ourselves out. Is not God our filler? Will He not sustain us? The more we surrender to and live in Him, denying ourselves, then the fuller and richer our relationship and the more we experience the "joy inexpressible and full of glory." Oh, God is so good.

    So that is what God has been doing in me. :)

    I really can't say how much I appreciate your reminders and sharing what God has been teaching you. It's a great encouragement and a push to be praying for Skandar and in the Word. I pray for you at least every Thursday too, and the rest of our group.

  8. Hey Rachel, yes I did get it, thanks :)

  9. Thank you Hannah,
    I did not realize how much it would encourage me to hear about what God is doing in others!
    The quotations from Leslie Lady and Martin Luther about prayer are also very encouraging, learning the importance of prayer is very important for sure.

    An excellent example (running) for prayer and how we are to keep pressing on even when it is hard as all get out. Perseverance is something that can be really hard to learn but oh how it is one of the most important things we need to learn while we are here on this earth! As I said in my last message, the way people think now-a-days is we need everything "now, now, now" and we do not get the concept of patience very well. Which is why we need to learn diligence so much!
    It is so great that God is never-changing and does not get 'blown around by the wind' as humans tend to be. Therefore we only need build our foundation on Him, then we too will not be blown about by the ways of the world. Trust in Him...

    Yes one step after the other, no need to look way ahead and worry about if we will make it. We just put one step after the other and do what God has showed us to do right now, and we will get exactly where He wants us.

    Thank you for sharing and also for praying for me, it is great to know that others are praying for me :)

