I just started going through Romans and trying to take it apart and get more out of it by studying each verse instead of just reading all the way through.
Based on Rom 1:18: The wrath of God is shown to us from heaven, against ALL unrighteousness and ALL ungodliness of men. For they suppress the truth by, in and through unrighteousness,
Based on Rom 1:19: for what is known of God and His exceeding goodness is made known to them and is demonstrated to them and is among them by creation itself.
For our *'hearts testify of the things of God through creation/us. But our corrupted minds (by sin our hearts and minds were corrupted) try and deny God and His goodness which is why we must be renewed, that is, our minds must be renewed; For we as a *''whole will be transformed completely, and that by the renewing of our minds (based on Romans 12:2), which can only be done through Jesus Christ the righteous.
*'hearts: Meaning our spirit and soul testify of the things of God. For how could we not (even though we are corrupted by sin) testify of God? For we are made in His image. Image not just being the way we look but a lot of that has to do with how we feel, think and act. For though a lot of that has been corrupted by sin, I believe that in each person (because we are made in the image of God) there is still some of God's heart for that is what brings about kindness. Trust me it is not sin and corruption bringing out the kindness in us.
*"whole: Meaning that ALL of who we are will be transformed.
Those are just some of my thought on those two verses :)